STEP 1: In "View" menu, select only the "Show Navigation Toolbar" and "Show Location Toollbar" options. (The Personal Toolbar should be hidden, in which case the menu will show the option "Show Personal Toolbar" as here.)

STEP 2: Now, go to "Edit" pull down menu and

select the "Preferences" option

at the very bottom...


STEP 3: pop open a "Preferences" window.

(It will probably open op with the "Navigator"

option highlighted, as shown here.)


STEP 4: Click on "Appearance" on the left, and
make sure "Show toolbar as" is set to "Pictures Only" or
to "Text only" (but not "Pictures and Text") on the right.


STEP 5: Next, click on "Fonts" option under
"Appearance" on the left,
and select the "Use document-specified fonts, including Dynamic Fonts" option on the right.


STEP 6: Finally, click on "Colors" under "Appearance" and:

  • Make sure "Underline links" box is not checked, and"
  • "Always use my colors" box is not checked.
  • Press "OK" to save your settings.

    ( Please close this help window when you are done.)