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Welcome to the Rooster Graphics International, Inc. Web Site.

We do know that you should not have to download and install additional drivers or software just so that you can enjoy our home page. Nevertheless, please bear in mind that this is a graphic design home page.

  • We do not support text-only browsers!
  • This site is optimized for Netscape Navigator version 3 or higher. Our "JavaScript" features are not always fully supported on Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  • For fully enjoying our site, please make sure that in your browser software's "options" or "preferences" menu, you reserve at least 4 MB for hard disk cache space and (if possible) 4 MB for browser memory.

Also, a tight control on the way the pages look under different browsers and hardware configurations is of paramount importance to graphic designers. Thus, please note our three setup requirements. We provide step by step instructions if you need to make any of the recommended adjustments to your system. If you satisfy the following three requirements, you can go back to browse our home page.

  1. Preferably, use a "JavaScript" capable browser.
  2. Use a monitor that supports 800 by 600 pixels (or larger) desktop area.
  3. Increase your browser window size to a minimum of 770 by 600 pixels.
We explain these requirements below:
  • First and foremost : (You can click on "First" to align.)
    this home page is validated under Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 3+ and Netscape Navigator versions 2+. Our home page uses the HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0 standards and various "advanced" features such as frames, animations, "JavaScript", etc. There are a lot of browsers out there today. Such features are not supported by all browsers. For instance, some browsers support JavaScript, some don't, and some just think they do! Internet Explorer will not handle our JavaScript codes without problems!

    If you are still on Navigator 1 or Explorer 2, do yourself a favor and upgrade to Internet Explorer 3+ or better yet to Navigator 3+ or Communicator now! They are both available FREE...

    If your browser supports JavaScript, make sure JavaScript is not turned off in your browser's setup!

  • Valid HTML 3.2

    Netscape 3 NOW!
    Download Areas
    Explorer 3 NOW!

  • Second, this home page is designed to be viewed with your monitor set at a resolution of at least 800 by 600 pixels. To check this, simply see if you can see all of the line below. (If necessary, drag and resize your window.)

  • If you can see all of this line, fine! Skip to the next and final requirement, please...

    If you can't see all of the line above, then you will notice that your browser has created a scroll bar on the bottom. In this case:

    • Either your browser window is not dragged wide enough,
    • or your monitor itself is set for 640 by 480 pixel resolution.
    In these cases, you will have to scroll to the left and right to see our pages! To avoid this inconvenience (which you will face with many of the home pages on the WWW), if possible, increase your browser window width so that you can see all of the line above.

    If your window is already as large as possible on your monitor and you can't see the whole line, then your monitor is set for 640 by 480 pixels, and you should reset your monitor to 800 by 600 pixel resolution. In case you are not familiar with your operating system, here are the instructions for setting your monitor's resolution:

    So, hopefully, by the time you got to this point, your desktop area is wide enough to accommodate 800 by 600 pixels. Note that even when your window is dragged wide enough to fully view the line above (or this box), we leave you enough desktop space to see behind your browser window any other windows you may have open on your desktop.

  • Third, a few words about your browser window's vertical length:
    This home page is designed to be viewed with your browser viewing area set at a height of around 420 pixels, that is the full height of a browser on an 800 by 600 resolution monitor. To check this, simply scroll down to see if all of the vertical box below fits in your browser window:
    If you can see all of the vertical box to left, you can go back to browse our home page.

    If you can't see all of the box to the left, then:

  • either your monitor itself is set for lower than 800 by 600 pixel resolution,
  • or your browser window is not dragged vertically long enough,
  • or your browser's "Options" or "General Preferences" are set up in such a way that your browser does not leave you enough browsing space.

    If you can't see the full box, you will need to unnecessarily scroll up and down to view even our pages that are especially designed to fit into one browser screen just to save you the hassle of scrolling up and down! To prevent this:

  • Make sure your monitor is set up for 800 by 600 pixels, as described in the "Instructions" for the section above.
  • If your monitor is set up correctly, then resize your browser window to increase its length.

  • If you still can't see the full box to the left, than the problem is with the amount of space your browser's "options" or "preferences" reserves for the menus/buttons at the top of your browser screen. Set up your browser to maximize browsing space. In case you are not familiar with it, here are the instructions for setting up your browser for some common browsers:

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