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Dear Visitor:

Rooster Graphics International as a partner in the creative process joins the organizations listed below and Copyright Clearance Center in sponsoring this copyright awareness campaign. We encourage you to respect private intellectual property and the copyright laws that govern it.

Art or photography in our electronic portfolios or portfolios submitted for a job, in our web sites or our clients' web sites should not be copied for any use, including client presentation or "comping", without the creator's permission. Similarly, images appearing in any of the talent sourcebooks and directories (either in print or electronically), should not be "swiped" for any reason. In case after case, the creator's property rights have been upheld, and those caught engaging in these practices were penalized, paying large fines to the artists.

We appreciate your desire to view or use our images. Even more, we are flattered and complimented. But for a number of reasons, our artists do not want to have their images used in any way, including agency representations, without permission. And any use, including "comping", implies value that is worth compensation.

Please, call before copying. All images on this website are low-resolution (72 dpi) images!

the sponsers

the sponsers

© copyright 1996-2000 - Rooster Graphics International, Inc.